Ear Wax Removal
Ear Wax Removal Gloucestershire offer safe ear wax removal in the comfort of your own home or in one of our clinics, in Cheltenham and Stroud
Combining the latest in high definition camera technology microsuction is the gold standard for ear wax removal.
The procedure is quick, painless and safer than other methods of earwax removal.
The need for private ear wax removal in the UK has increased due to a reduction in GP surgeries offering this service. There has been a growing trend for patients to be seen in the comfort of their own home.
Our mobile ear cleaning clinic operates across Gloucestershire and surrounding counties.
What Services We Offer
We provide a comprehensive independent ear cleaning service. This includes:
Removal of foreign bodies from the ear canal.
Ear wax removal for patients who have had ear surgery (e.g. grommets or mastoid cavities)
Treatment of itchy ears and swimmer's ear (otitis externa)
We accept GP referrals for home visit ear wax removal clinic.
Why Choose Us
We use the most up to date high definition camera technology.
Gold standard microsuction ear wax removal procedure.
Emergency same day appointments available.
Polite, professional, friendly service.
Easy to book online or on the phone.
Our clinic and home appointments are the most affordable in Gloucestershire.
What is Ear Wax?
Ear wax plays a very important part in protecting your ears; it is a substance that is secreted inside the ear canal and has cleansing, lubricating and antibacterial properties. However, an excess amount of wax in your ears can lead to a feeling of blocked ears, itching, pain, hearing loss, dizziness and in some cases tinnitus. Cotton buds – often used to relieve irritation or itching – actually push the ear wax further down into the ear and make ear blockage worse.
Our Ear wax removal specialists use microsuction, considered to be the safest, cleanest and most efficient method of ear wax removal. The very definition of 21st century ear care: microsuction ear wax removal in Gloucestershire, at a time and place of your choosing with our innovative private mobile ear cleaning service.
What is Ear Microsuction?
Microsuction is one of the best ways to remove earwax. Once our trained advisers have assessed your ear canal, they’ll use a gentle suction device to remove any earwax blockages.This suction device acts like a vacuum cleaner, helping to loosen and remove any impacted earwax.
Once the procedure is complete, we’ll use our high definition digital otoscope to check the health of your ear canal and ear drum.
Microsuction is a safe and more efficient procedure than ear irrigation.
Prior to commencing the procedure, your clinician will discuss with you the benefits of removing wax from your ears.
In order to check that it is safe to proceed you will be asked some questions about the health of your ears and general health. It will also be necessary to carry out a detailed visual examination of your ear/s and the wax present. If safe to do so, and clinically necessary, wax will be removed from your ear/s using the most appropriate method according to the quantity and consistency of the wax discovered.
You may be advised to soften the wax with olive oil prior to your appointment. Your ear/s may feel blocked following application of
an ear wax softener due to the expansion of the wax. If you are a hearing aid wearer it can be advisable to avoid wearing the hearing instrument/s when olive oil has recently been administered, therefore overnight application of an ear wax softener may be best.
Two methods of wax removal may be used during your appointment, suction and/or manual extraction.
Removal of wax deposits using manual extraction instruments Fine hand-held instruments are inserted carefully into your ear and used to gently extract the wax from the ear canal. These will not be used when the wax is deeply situated in the ear canal.
Wax removal using suction
Wax is removed from the ear by a small suction tube. This procedure can be noisy.
Your clinician has undertaken training and is certified as competent
in ear care and wax removal and will use best-practice procedures to minimise any risk. However, even when performed with the utmost care, there are some risks involved in wax removal. These risks include:
Discomfort / pain (minimised by application of olive oil prior to
Damage to skin of the ear canal (minimised by application of olive oil
prior to appointment)
Bleeding from ear canal
Ear infection (minimised by water precautions post procedure)
Temporary reduction in hearing
Temporary hearing sensitivity
Temporary aggravation of existing tinnitus
Temporary irritation to the throat or stimulation of cough
• Feeling sick or light-headed • Temporary dizziness
Extremely rare
Permanent hearing loss (minimised by limiting time of exposure to
noise of suction machine and avoiding contact with or trauma to the
ear drum)
Triggering of new tinnitus (minimised by limiting time exposure to
noise of suction machine)
Damage to the ear drum during the procedure (minimised by
restricting the depth of insertion of the suction tube)
PVP Shunts
You may be offered a hearing check during your appointment. Guidance from the British Society of Audiology suggests this poses a significant risk to any patient who has a PVP Shunt fitted.If you have a PVP shunt you should decline the hearing check and ensure your clinician is aware that you cannot wear the headphones.
If the wax cannot be removed
Depending on the amount and consistency of the wax and your own comfort, it may not be possible to remove all of the wax in a single appointment. A second or third appointment may be required with further softening of the wax for a few days between visits using alternative softeners as advised.
Onward referral
In some situations, wax removal may be deemed unsuitable or need
to be abandoned during the procedure. Most commonly this is because abnormalities of the ear are identified which require further assessment by your GP or an ENT specialist, making it inappropriate to proceed. It may be necessary to refer you following the procedure for a follow up with a medical professional either directly (or via the “Tympa Cloud” Remote Review system) for further management, advice, or a second opinion. Most commonly this is because:
Evidence of current or recent infection has been discovered
Evidence of current or previous damage to the ear has been
The wax removal procedure has made you feel unwell
The wax has proven to be too difficult to remove safely or without
causing discomfort
A foreign body has been discovered in the ear which cannot be
removed safely
Media recorded
Before, during and after the procedure your clinician will record images and videos within your ear/s. This media may be used for the following reasons:
To request further advice or a second opinion from another suitably
qualified medical professional
Training and research
To ensure you, the patient, are as informed as possible
Keep ears dry for a minimum of 24 hours after the appointment. It can be helpful to use a cotton wool ball in the entrance to the ear canal with some petroleum jelly when showering. Inform your clinician
and seek advice from an appropriately qualified medical professional immediately if any discomfort, pain, swelling, discharge, odour or disruption to your hearing is experienced following the procedure.
You will be asked to sign on the Tympa system a summary of your consent as outlined below:
I have read the information above and understand the benefits and
risks involved
I understand the alternative options for wax removal
I give my consent to allow the clinician to remove wax from my ear,
using the most appropriate method for the amount and consistency
of wax discovered.
I understand that the removal may take more than one appointment
and that it may be necessary to refer me to a medical professional if
any complications arise.
I understand I can ask the clinician to stop the procedure at any time,
for any reason. I agree to follow the aftercare advice given.
I give my consent for images and videos of my ear/s to be taken
during the appointment.